5.5 menyortir dengan pengurutan berkurang menurun
1. masalah
Di berikan himpunan bilangan n secara acak, mengurutkN himpunan dengan metode pengurutan berkurang menurun.
2. input dan output
N, I , k , j, x- ineteger (input)
Insert, Boolean (output )
2. algoritma
Deklarasi = I , n , k ,j = integer
Deskripsi insertion sort (int i)
For j = 1 to in do
K : = j + int
While k ß n do
X := [k];
While (previous >= j) and to
If x < a [previous ] then
Inserted= true
End {assort : x < 4 [current + int ];
[a < current + 2 * int ] < = ……. = < a [k] }
A [ current] : = x;
K := k + int
4. coding
Class insertion {
Private : int data [] = { 17 , 15 , 14 , 12 , 13 , 20 , 3 , 19}
Int n;
Void urutan _bilangan ();
Void insertion _sort ();
Voidinsertion :: urutan_bilangan (){
Int j
For ( j : = 1; j < n ; i++)
Cout << data [ i] << “ “ ;
Cout << endl ;
Void insertions_sort (){
Int k, j ;
Int x ;
While previous > j;
If x : a data [k];
Data k = j + int ;
Insert = true
Data x = < a [current 2* int]
Int main (){
Insertion x;
x. urutan bilangan ();
x. insertion_sort ();
getch ();
return 0 ;
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